
Tax news

If taking business decisions is your daily practice and you are looking for reliable information and a practical guide to complex tax issues, subscribe and follow carefully our tax insights. Here you will find the most valuable and up-to-date content related to domestic and international taxation that may have a material effect on your business, presented in a concise and practical form.

SLIM VAT 3 and the provisions on the CESOP implementation. What changes is the Polish Ministry of Finance preparing?

26 August 2022
SLIM VAT 3 includes a package of solutions that - as the Polish Finance Ministry promises - will be simplifications and provide tax authorities with tools to combat VAT fraud. The draft is currently in the public consultation phase. At the same time, legislation implementing the provisions on the European Central Electronic System of Payment Information (CESOP), to which data on transactions and taxpayers are to be sent, is being processed and is still moving forward.

Mandatory B2B electronic invoicing coming soon

13 April 2022
The European Commission has approved Poland’s request to introduce mandatory structured invoicing (e-invoicing) via the National e-Invoicing System (abbreviated as “KSeF”).

Act on Assistance to Ukrainian Citizens: tax implications

28 March 2022
On 12 March 2022, the Polish parliament adopted an Act on Assistance to Ukrainian Citizens. It was signed by the President and published in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland the very same day. This Special Act, implemented in the wake of the armed conflict in Ukraine, brings many changes, including amendments of the PIT and CIT acts.

Extended Transfer Pricing Documentation Deadlines for 2020

28 April 2021
Tomasz BEGER
Taxpayers will most certainly be happy to learn that on 8 April 2021 the President signed the Act Amending the Excise Tax Act and Certain Other Acts, which extends the deadline for transfer pricing reporting.

New explanations on transfer pricing adjustment

27 April 2021
Tomasz BEGER
In early April 2021, the Ministry of Finance published explanations on transfer pricing adjustment. These explanations do not constitute the source of law; they are rather an attempt at offering some insight into how to apply legal regulations on transfer pricing adjustments between related entities. In this post, we are going to take a closer look at the most important insights included in the explanations published by the Ministry of Finance.

Polish regulations on the accounting for output and input VAT on the intra-Community acquisition of goods are in breach of EU law

19 March 2021
Przemysław POWIERZA
Yesterday (18 March), the European Court of Justice issued a judgement that is very important for Polish taxpayers. It is a preliminary ruling in case C-895/19, where it was ruled that the Polish regulations on VAT refund in the case of late recognition of ICA are in breach of EU regulations.

Facilitation in VAT for businesses from the UK, Norway and Northern Ireland – update

26 February 2021
Przemysław POWIERZA
Od 1 stycznia 2021 r. Wielka Brytania w relacjach handlowych z państwami Unii Europejskiej traktowana jest jako państwo trzecie. Oznacza to dodatkowe obowiązki dla brytyjskich przedsiębiorców dokonujących czynności opodatkowanych podatkiem od towarów i usług w państwie członkowskim UE (np. w Polsce).As of 1 January 2021, the UK is deemed a third party in business relations with EU member states. This translates to additional obligations for UK businesses performing activities subject to VAT in an EU member state (e.g. in Poland).

Easier VAT procedures for British and Norwegian businesses

22 February 2021
Przemysław POWIERZA
As of 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom is treated as a third country in business relations with the European Union. What this means is that any British entrepreneur who performs transactions subject to VAT in Poland and therefore wants to register for VAT purposes in Poland, must appoint a tax representative. However, changes are on the way.

Estonian CIT

7 February 2021
Piotr LISS
From 2021, certain CIT payers can reinvest their earnings tax-free; this is a tax measure dubbed the ‘Estonian CIT’. It should be noted that this is by no means a reduction of the tax paid; it is about shifting the time when taxable income is recognised while making the accounting records simpler.

New VAT arrangements as of 1 January 2021

19 January 2021
Przemysław POWIERZA
We would like to present the amended Polish VAT regulations that entered into force on 1 January 2021 and may have a material effect on how you account for VAT. We encourage you to take a closer look at it and contact your RSM Poland consultant immediately should you have any questions.
