
Audit and accounting insights - page 4


Asset measurement during a state of epidemic and economic slowdown. Part 1

8 June 2020
We have recently written a lot about financial instruments: their definition, classification, measurement, impairment, etc. Since all this remains relevant and topical, we will soon be publishing a Q&A with the most frequently asked questions and explain the different aspects of financial instruments that keep baffling our readers. Today, however, partly due to functioning in a state of epidemic and partly because I want to continue with the topic of impairment of assets (receivables), I decided to focus on the measurement of balance sheet items at fair value.

Financial instruments – the devil is not so black? Part 5.

4 May 2020
Aleksandra SYSIAK
Coming back to the topic of financial instruments, I present below – in the form of questions and replies – a set of crucial related issues.

Accounting - an obligation of every entrepreneur

28 April 2020
Anna MAJ
Every entrepreneur running a business activity is obliged to record all transactions they make in their company. The way in which they will keep accounts depends on the form of the business and the annual income achieved.

Financial instruments – the devil is not so black? Part 4

23 April 2020
Katarzyna STENCEL
After the introduction to financial instruments under Polish and international law, exploring the subject of classification and measurements of debentures, analysing the initial recognition of financial instruments in the account books and their classification in compliance with the new IFRS 9 guideline, it is time to discuss hedge accounting.

Financial instruments – something to be scared of? Part 3.

31 March 2020
Aleksandra SYSIAK
In the previous post we focused on describing and defining various financial instruments under Polish and international balance sheet accounts regulations, as well as the correct classification of debentures. In this article we will take a closer look at the initial recognition of these instruments and their classification in compliance with IFRS 9 guidance.

Financial instruments: the devil is not so black? Part 2.

11 March 2020
In one of our latest articles we have presented several of the most popular financial instruments, both simple and more complex. As auditors, we quite often see doubts concerning their disclosures and measurement, and it is not just about the most popular ones like e.g. futures, finance lease or loan agreements, but also about those less common in business practice, like e.g. debt securities convertible into common shares, bonds and call options for shares of another entity.

Financial instruments: the devil is not so black? (Part 1)

24 February 2020
Katarzyna STENCEL
As we announced towards the end of 2019, after discussing a couple of topics on fixed assets and provisions, we will now start a series of articles on financial instruments. Adopting a practical point of view, we would like to explain how to identify financial instruments, and then measure them and present them properly. To this end, we will need the provisions of the Accounting Act (hereinafter: AA) or the Regulation on Detailed Rules of Recognition, Valuation Methods, Scope of Disclosure and Presentation of Financial Instruments (Journal of Laws, item 277) (hereinafter: RMFIF), but also, or rather most of all, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), primarily including IFRS 9, but also IFRS 7, IAS 32 and IAS 39.

IAS 37 vs. liabilities and provisions for liabilities

10 February 2020
Paulina PRUSIK
The consequences of applying the prudence principle and the matching principle involve recognising provisions and disclosing contingent liabilities. In practice, these areas stir a lot of controversy because of the danger of being subjective, so typical for any decision-making under uncertainty. In line with IAS 37, provisions are liabilities and must have all the characteristics of liabilities as being a balance sheet item.

Who is going to audit Public Interest Entities?

20 January 2020
An audit of public interest entities (PIE) is regarded as a high-risk audit not without reason. The higher requirements – which must be met by the audited companies, as well as their auditors – mainly arise from the fact that information in financial statements and in reports of an expert auditor may directly translate into share prices and, for smaller investors, is often the only source of data about a listed company.

Spare parts, residual value and depreciation in the context of fixed assets – IAS 16

9 January 2020
Each economic entity has at least one component of a tangible fixed asset – a mobile phone, a car, or real estate. In this case, size does not matter. Since it is such a common item on the balance sheet, tangible fixed assets require a separate standard, which accurately regulates the manner of their recording in the financial statements so that users of the annual report can easily become aware of the investments of the individual in tangible fixed assets. One such standard is International Accounting Standard 16 (hereinafter: IAS 16), according to which most listed companies that are public interest entities (PIE) must report.    
