
A report, which has been required in the Polish legislation since the beginning of 2016. It presents significant (from the point of view of tax authorities) data on all the economic activities of the capital group performed in different countries. This information concerns, inter alia, the place of business of the entities composing the capital group, earned income and paid taxes.

The obligation to prepare such a report essentially rests with the Polish taxpayer who is the parent company, who has its permanent establishments or subsidiaries in other countries, in case of exceeding in the previous fiscal year the level of EUR 750 million of consolidated income, i.e. income earned by individual entities belonging to the capital group, except for the income earned in the transactions concluded between these entities.

In some cases obligation to prepare CbC report will have other – than parent – company from the group. Such a situation will take place for example when parent company will not have an obligation to submit CbC report in its country.