
IAS 32


Financial instruments: the devil is not so black? (Part 1)

24 February 2020
Katarzyna STENCEL
As we announced towards the end of 2019, after discussing a couple of topics on fixed assets and provisions, we will now start a series of articles on financial instruments. Adopting a practical point of view, we would like to explain how to identify financial instruments, and then measure them and present them properly. To this end, we will need the provisions of the Accounting Act (hereinafter: AA) or the Regulation on Detailed Rules of Recognition, Valuation Methods, Scope of Disclosure and Presentation of Financial Instruments (Journal of Laws, item 277) (hereinafter: RMFIF), but also, or rather most of all, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), primarily including IFRS 9, but also IFRS 7, IAS 32 and IAS 39.