
Together with the Accountants Association in Poland in Greater Poland, we are the organiser of a discussion panel which will take place on 21 June 2018 at the Accountants Association in Poland in Greater Poland's headquarters (Ziębicka 18, Poznań), devoted to the topic of succession in family businesses and issues related to the instruments supporting innovative activities and new technologies in family businesses. Representatives of companies and institutions such as Wielkopolski Związek Pracodawców LEWIATANFundacja Rodzinna and Fundacja Firmy Rodzinne are amongst the partners of the event. The meeting is dedicated to the owners and representatives of family businesses. During the panel, our company will be represented by Bartosz MIŁASZEWSKI, Managing Partner, as a speaker.

Many important and equally interesting issues will be addressed during the panel, owing to which one will be able to learn:

  • what challenges family businesses are presented with in the face of the succession, innovation, competitiveness and changeability of the legal environment;
  • how to build a succession plan and actively involve a successor in the running of a company which has been developed for years;
  • what the alternatives to a succession plan are when nestors do not decide (or do not have the possibility) to hand the company over to family members;
  • in what way a strategic investor or an investment fund can help a family business grow and secure its interests;
  • about generational differences, being innovative and competitive and about the ability to attract and retain key employees in a family business;
  • about the role of the Chief Accountant and the Chief Financial Officer in a family business.

The speakers include: ​

  • Bartosz Miłaszewski – Managing Partner (RSM Poland)
  • Leszek Lewandowicz - Member of the Board (Accountants Association in Poland in Greater Poland)
  • Piotr Hans - Board Advisor (Accountants Association in Poland in Greater Poland)
  • Adam Stadnik - Succession Expert (Founder of the Family Foundation)
  • Eleni Tzoka-Stecka Business coach at Epsylon , CEO at Early Warning Europe
  • Joanna Piasek - Manager of Capital Investments at BGŻ PNB Paribas
  • Łukasz Martyniec, Expert of the Institute of Family Business, owner of the MARTYNIEC Law Firm

To register your participation, please complete the registration form: https://goo.gl/evrjN8. The number of seats is limited and applications will be handled on a first come, first served basis. Completing and returning the application form does not guarantee a seat. Confirmations will be sent out by the organizer in a separate communication.


15:00 - 15:30 Welcoming coffee, registration

15:30 - 15:35 The opening of the conference

15:35 - 16:05 The process of building a succession plan

16:05 - 16:35 Strategic investor or an investment fund - an alternative to family businesses and a chance for growth

16:35 - 17:20 Lunch and networking 

17:20 - 17:50 Selling the company or succession – a conscious choice

17:50 - 18:20 From nestor to successor - about generational differences, being innovative and creating a competitive advantage as well as investing in new technologies in an increasingly faster

18:20 - 18:50 The role of the Chief Accountant and the Chief Financial Officer in a family business

The above agenda may change slightly